GTO - About Us

How We Began

In the early 2000’s Golder Associates expanded its consulting operations into Africa and became aware of the havoc that the AIDS pandemic was wreaking on the healthy development of families and communities across Southern Africa.  Rather than stand by and watch, Golder decided to act.  As a result, the Golder Trust for Orphans (GTO) was formed as an independent entity in 2003 to help make a difference in the lives of children suffering under the AIDS pandemic.  Since then, the AIDS pandemic has been brought under control but what became clear to us is that vulnerable children are still suffering around the world.

Living, working and travelling around the world has helped us understand that we have the ability and the responsibility to make a difference and so we must continue to act. In 2022, we changed our name to GTOGenerating Tomorrow’s Opportunities but what we aren’t changing is our mandate – to improve the quality of life of vulnerable children around the world.

Vision, Mission, Objectives


To support and partner with organisations that improve the quality of life of vulnerable children and young adults in under-served communities.


Inspired by the ‘teach a person to fish” proverb, the GTO incorporates a business model that focuses on sustainable solutions to create empowerment within communities.  Our support is provided to prequalified non-governmental organizations (NGO) caring for and supporting vulnerable children.

Objective 1

Alleviate Suffering

Provide support to vulnerable children to alleviate critical and acute needs. Support could include food packs, clothing and blankets and potable water.

Objective 2

Create Sustainable Development

Provide support for sustainable development projects that will generate income to benefit vulnerable children. Projects include tourism, agriculture, energy and water supply.

Objective 3

Create Educational Opportunities

Provide support to vulnerable children through the provision of educational services.  This could include educational materials, sponsorship and technical training.

Our Goals


To bring about awareness of the trust globally and to connect with relevant ESG teams.


To grow our monthly donors to 2,000 by the end of 2023.


Support more NGOs outside of Africa who are improving the lives of vulnerable children.


To get the volunteer projects up and running again post COVID.

Meet The Team

The GTO has a dedicated team who manages the charity’s daily communications and operational needs. This ensures donations are invested and managed correctly, and the GTO-NGO relationships stay strong.

Sue Longo

Sue Longo


Sue Longo, Canadian Trustee and Current Chairperson. Sue Is Based in Calgary.

Brent Baxter

Brent Baxter


Brent Baxter, African Trustee. Based in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Brian Senefelder

Brian Senefelder


Brian Senefelder, External Trustee. Brian Is Based in New York.

TEAM GTO - Manitia Moultrie

Manitia Moultrie


Manitia Moultrie, US Trustee. Based in Tampa.

TEAM GTO - Andrew Barker

Andrew Barker


Andrew Barker, Australian Trustee. Based in Melbourne.


Estelle Howcroft


Estelle Howcroft, Communications and Marketing Lead. Based in Cape Town, South Africa.


Jon Howcroft

Trust Manager

Jon Howcroft, Trust Manager. Based In Cape Town, South Africa.

Where We Are

Our current projects are located around the world

GTO - Where we are?

Key Milestones

We invite your to follow our journey by scrolling left and right on our MILESTONE HIGHWAY below. You can use the scroll bar below to scrol through the years or simply swipe with your finger.


Milestone 1

GTO established in South Africa.

Milestone 2

First significant GTO fundraiser undertaken, the Cairo to Cape Town Bike Tour.

Milestone 3

First pilot ‘volunteer’ trip for GTO employees which was a resounding success, and has resulted in these now being annual volunteer trips.

Milestone 4

First time donations top more than $500,000 (USD) in one calendar year.

First GTO-organised workshop to share knowledge amongst the NGO leaders that we support.

Milestone 5

Featured in the Social Responsibility Village at the World Petroleum Congress in Doha, Qatar.

Milestone 6

Our 10th Anniversary! GTO has partnered with 14 NGOs in 7 countries.

Milestone 7

First project support provided by GTO outside Southern Africa to help orphans in Ebola-ravaged Sierra Leone.

Milestone 8

Fourth NGO Workshop successfully held at Bulembu, Swaziland.

Milestone 9

GTO Canada Trust established.

Milestone 10

Our 15 year anniversary with celebratory events held around the world and a running toal of $5 million donated since inception.

Milestone 11

Established our first renewable power project for an NGO.

Milestone 12

Facing another pandemic (COVID-19), the GTO had to pivot from assisting with income generating projects to supplying food and PPE packages.

Milestone 13

The Golder company was sold to WSP Global Inc. WSP agreed to continue being the key sponsor of the GTO.

Milestone 14

GTO rebrand from Golder Trust for Orphans to Generating Tomorrow’s Opportunities – our name may have changed but our mandate is the same!

Measuring Impacts: Survive Impacts

Food Parcels

Food parcels to Zimbabwe and Mozambique support over 500 households.

Food & Books

Nokuphila – Covid 19 pandemic relief by providing food packs. Supplied textbooks and stationery. Supports 800 children.

Baby Home

Bulembu Baby Home supports 52 babies

Measuring Impacts: Thrive Impacts

Solar Power

Philangethemba & Bulembu – Income generating Solar Power Project providing income and cost saving that supports education for 600 children.


Development of bakery in Cape Town – Profit for ECD School which supports 60 children at Mosaic.


Building schools – Senegal ECD School, overall supporting 210 children.

Big Difference, Little Lives

Contact Us & Follow Us

See what we are up to on social media & email us below.

Help Make A Difference

Donate now to help improve the lives of children and their communities and generate tomorrow’s opportunities.

Check Out Our Projects

We invite you to click on the map below to view more detailed information for our GTO Trust projects!